Our overarching aim is to increase accountability and retain strict codes of conduct all times. We have a zero tolerance policy and seek to always uphold ourselves as principled and honest people and to conduct business by the highest ethical standards.

The following Code of Ethical Business Conduct will help guide our expectations and requirements as to what is ethical and proper conduct within the workplace including even when we are not in the workplace or conducting business matters. It is of the utmost importance that all employees adhere to these guidelines at all times.

The importance of this Code should not be underestimated. Violation of the company’s Code of Business Conduct will subject the employee, regardless of seniority, to appropriate disciplinary action that may include termination of employment.

Employees are expected to cooperate with any investigations into suspected violations.

Employees must report all actions that an employee reasonably believes to violate the company’s Code of Business Conduct, as well as any infringement of the law or regulation, or any behaviour that constitutes fraud or unethical practices in line with our Whistleblowing Code.

1. Compliance With The Law & Code Of Conduct

To respect all applicable laws and regulations in all areas of business undertaking.

Not to place results at the expense of the law, our principles or compliance with our code of conduct.

If you are unsure whether any transaction will result in a breach of relevant laws or regulations, you may discuss this with your manager, compliance officer or the legal department, who will be there to guide you.

2. Trust And Credibility

The success of our business is built on the trust and confidence we earn from our clients.

Therefore, we must be fair and just to our clients. This means providing beneficial advice in the interests of our client, making sure we avoid any conflict of interest, and being upfront about our fees and terms and conditions for the provision of services.

3. Responsibility and Mutual Support to our Team Members

To work together as a team to deliver quality services to our clients. We must be able to rely on each other in the undertaking of our responsibilities.

4. Responsibility to our Clients

To carry out our work with diligence and care. As professionals, our clients expect a high quality of service to be provided to them.

5. Conflict Of Interest

To ensure that we act in the best interests of our clients and avoid any situation which can give rise to conflicts of interest.

For example, any advice you give to a client must be objective and should not be influenced by anything other than providing the best advice in the best interests of our client.

Any gifts received should be recorded in the gifts register. If the gift cannot be shared among colleagues, it will be auctioned to raise funds for charity.

As long as something gives rise to a conflict of interest whether to a client or to the company, you must not do it.

If you are unsure as to whether a situation will give rise to a conflict of interest, you can discuss it with your manager, compliance officer or an ethics committee member.

6. Confidentiality

Our clients trust us to maintain confidentiality in our dealings with them, even after they are no longer clients. We must protect all personal information received in the course of providing such services in accordance with the relevant laws.

7. Diversity & Respect In The Workplace

We have created a global corporate culture with employees of diverse nationalities, race and ethnicities that reflect the diversity of the communities in which we do business.

We commit to respect the customs and cultures of those communities. Racial, religious, sexual discrimination or abuse in any form are not tolerated. Violence, threatening or abusive behaviour are also not tolerated under any circumstances.

8. Open and Honest Communication

To foster an environment where everyone feels comfortable asking or raising genuine questions on all matters without fear of abuse, reprisal or retaliation.

To trust that the Company will handle all questions and concerns properly, fairly and in a manner that is consistent with Headings 1 and 2 and all other applicable rules, including the Whistle Blowing Code.

9. Property Of The Company

Company property (e.g. computer facilities, office equipment) should be used for the purpose of conducting the company’s business. Please seek permission should you need to use company property for personal matters.

10. Continuous Learning

Education is a lifelong journey and we are committed to helping all employees in this respect.

To continue to schedule training sessions for all employees, including officers and directors, and to familiarise them with the Code of Ethical Business Conduct.